Management and Communication Courses


Duration : 1 day course

Managing change

Who should attend ?

Managers who wish :

  • to develop their coaching abilities, to introduce change successfully into their team, department or organization.

  • to establish a roadmap, best practices and an action plan to conduct a change programme.


  • Train managers to become their own coaches for change.

  • Develop change as a core competence in the organization

  • Understand and coach individual emotions, attitudes, perceptions to actively support change.

  • Apply techniques to create motivation for change

  • Create the environment where people respond to, even welcome change

  • Proactively guide the transition from uncertainty and resistance to confidence and enthusiasm for changes.

Course content and daily schedule

Maximum participant practice role playing their own situations – coaching, feedback.

  • Help participants identify, evaluate and develop their own coaching, learning and leadership styles.

  • Organizational change – the background, the need and anticipating change

  • Individual reactions to change – avoiding typical errors, dealing with resistance, uncertainly and doubt, perceptions and attitudes.

  • Effective and ineffective change strategies – approaches tried in similar organizations, analysis of typical errors and criteria for success.

  • Fixing and agreeing new objectives with all stakeholders : increasing their performance and job satisfaction.

  • Develop (Ei) emotional intelligence – building trust, effective listening, influencing, etc

  • How to create the vision ; communicate, organise, implement and consolidate change.

  • Define the critical path and build a phased model of the change journey.