Management and Communication Courses


Duration : 2 day course

Conflict Management

Who should attend ?

Those who wish to develop their ability to mediate disagreement and resolve conflict both inside and outside their organisations.


  • Understand the causes and types of conflict

  • Identify behaviour and underlying motivation

  • Manage one’s own emotions and canalise other peoples

  • Handle conflictual behaviour and situations

  • Adapt appropriate behaviour including assertiveness

  • Effectively apply conflict resolving skills in handling personality clashes and communications problems

  • Defuse conflictual situations, reach agreement and move towards the development of long term relations between parties

Course content

Workshops – maximum participant practice in conflictual situations – with immediate feedback and coaching.

  • Identification of individual areas of improvement

  • Use of listening skills, questioning and recapping techniques

  • The conflict resolution process

  • Tools and tactics

  • Rational, emotional motivation and identifying hidden agendas

  • Identifying interests, needs and positions

  • Handling the people problem and agreeing on possible solutions

  • Adopting solutions, gaining all round agreement, maintaining and improving relations