Management and Communication Courses


Duration : 1 day


Who should attend ?

N.B. Each programme is custom-made for the individual or group.
All those who wish to develop their coaching abilities to help their staff and themselves achieve higher standards of performance, cooperation and satisfaction in the workplace.


  • Identify and evaluate their own leadership, team building and coaching styles

  • Use and benefit from an effective performance management system

  • Increase their own awareness and performances as well as their team’s

  • Understand the importance of constructive feedback and the benefits of coaching for individual development

  • Coach and empower others quicker and more effectively

  • Develop their abilities to excel in constantly changing environments

  • Help others move from conflict to cooperation and bring out the full potential of their people

Course content

  • Pre-course questionnaires to evalue present coaching, leadership styles, teambuilding

  • Establishing coaching best practice

  • The coaching contract

  • Workshop – Practical exercises based on participants’ own situations (feedback and evaluation)

  • The importance of separation of people and performance problems (coaching for real solutions)

  • Reviewing one’s own style and adapting it to the person and the situation (directing, coaching, supporting, empowering)

  • Effective listening and communications (building trust and confidence)

  • Helping people identify and solve their own problems

  • Outstanding performance through Ei and PAC

  • Motivating, obtaining commitment and achieving full potential for the individual within the organization

  • Developing an action plan to apply in the workplace