Management and Communication Courses


Duration : 1 day course

Customer Service

Who should attend ?

Those who need to give the best possible image of their company, their company’s products, and themselves, over the telephone, face to face and e-mails.


  • Ask questions to determine the caller’s needs

  • Demonstrate strong listening skills

  • Give clear and appropriate explanations

  • Redefine and reformulate

  • Show constant positive attitude

  • Demonstrate willingness to help the caller

  • Deal with objections, complaints and difficult situations

  • Calm down an irate caller

  • Be able to transmit bad news

  • Efficiently terminate the call

  • E.mail : best practice

  • Appearance and dress code

  • Cultural differences

  • Verbal/non verbal communication

  • Body language and voice

Course content

Maximum participant practice taking part in role plays – DVD recording, play back, feedback and evaluation.

  • Asking the right questions : open/closed

  • Listening in action

  • How to transmit the right image using only voice, warmth and conviction

  • Giving the client a feeling of importance – the personal touch