Nos cours : Management et Communications


Durée de la formation : a one day course

Writing for actions

Formation destinée

Those whose job demands accurate, clear and concise writing skills. Who need to structure and order information to satisfy the reader’s needs and the writer’s objective.


Managers and staff who already have a certain working knowledge and experience of written communications in the language. However they wish to write quicker, express nuances, have more impact and not need to have their communications rewritten.
N.B.The course is not appropriate for those who have not yet mastered the basic written language and have no experience of business writing.


  • Be more confident and competent in business writing.

  • Construct clear, concise, persuasive and readable sentences, paragraphs and reports

  • Anticipate the reader’s needs and expectations

  • Use a systematic method of structuring and ordering information, planning and preparation

  • Choose the appropriate wording, grammar, punctuation and register

  • Produce effective written communications which attain the Objectifs of the writer.

Contenu de la formation

Samples of participant’s recent written work are analysed before the course. This determines areas of improvement. Contenu de la formation is thus adapted to participants’ specific needs.

  • Readability

  • Added value wording

  • Writing effective sentences (length, chopping techniques, active/passive, etc.)

  • Word choice

  • Positioning

  • Know your reader

  • Upward, downward, communication

  • Informing or persuading

  • Re-thinking preconceived ideas

  • Organising

  • Build your pyramid

  • Technical aspects